Editorial Guidelines

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The following elements and their ordering should be observed when preparing manuscripts contributed to Silva Iaponicarum:

  • the full title of the manuscript
  • the names of all authors
  • ORCID numbers of all authors 
  • the abstract in English (100–150 words), including the hypothesis/goal of the paper, a summary of its content, and conclusions 
  • keywords (4–6)
  • (optional) acknowledgements 
  • a short profile of all authors (max. 100 words), including the authors’ academic title/position, affiliation, main research interests, and current e-mail address. 

The length of the paper should be from 3,000 to 10,000 words, excluding the abstract and references. 

The main body of the paper should contain the following parts, in the following order

Foreword/Introduction (heading not numbered)

Numbered sections

Conclusions/Endnote (heading not numbered)  

Abbreviations (if applicable)



  • page size:: A5
  • margins (all): 18mm
  • basic font: 10,5 Times New Roman (MS 明朝)
  • footnote font: 8 Times New Roman (MS 明朝)
  • single spaces between lines
  • paragraph alignment     : justified
  • no indents
  • no additional spaces between paragraphs
  • no space between a paragraph and section title
  • language: English or Japanese
  • spelling conventions for English: American spelling is recommended, but British spelling is also permitted. Spelling consistency with the chosen system maintained throughout the paper needs, however, to be observed. Citations retain their original spelling 
  • recommended romanization systems: variant Hepburn (with diacritics and <ん> transliterated as <m> before <p>, <b> and <m>) for Japanese; toneless pinyin for Chinese; McCune-Reischauer for Korean

A note on style: in order to maintain a neutral and objective tone, you are encouraged to keep first-person expressions and self-referencing to a minimum. In case you do use first-person pronouns, they should be singular unless the paper is co-authored. Do not use plural pronouns (“we”) for the purpose of self-referencing an individual author.


  • emphasis – no spaced-out text, recommended italics; 
  • quotes: a short quotation (up to three consecutive lines) can be put it in the main text, always in the inverted commas; longer ones should be extracted from the main text (size 11, line spacing 1); no indentation in the new line of the main text after such quotes;
  • headings and subheadings should be boldfaced;
  • bibliographic references should be included in the text, not in footnotes;
  • page range should be marked with “en dash” (–), not with a hyphen (-), e.g. “(McKanzie 1998: 11–34)”; the same rule should be used in indicating a numerical range, e.g. “in years 1867–1899”;
  • illustrations/photographs/figures – all illustrations (JPG, TIF – at least 300 dpi) should be numbered and provided with appropriate captions, i.e. a short description of photo content, source and author of the illustration;
  • tables, charts etc. should be numbered, titled and, if applicable, involve information about their source.

When supplementing illustrations, photographs and other materials from outside of the public domain, be sure to provide a written consent for reproducing these materials.

Vocabulary items or phrases in foreign languages, including specialistic terms in Japanese, should be put in italics.

  • translatological insights concerning the mono-no na variety of classical waka poetry

Italics may also be used for emphasis and for citing titles. In the latter case, all content words of the title should be capitalized.

  • And when one leaves binary logic behind, one also gets something called queer.   
  • Haruki Murakami’s short story The Folklore of Our Times

Double inverted commas may be used for figurative/non-literal language and should be used when citing outside sources (on which cf. [6] IN-TEXT CITATIONS).

  • Homosexuality in the novel is also restricted to adolescence, never addressing homosexual relationships between adult men, and pathologized, using words such as “abnormal”, “sick” and so on. 
  • This confidence is brilliantly spotted by Matsui (1975: 104) in her thesis on Sōseki as a critic of English literature: “It was a fundamental attitude of Sōseki the critic to place absolute confidence in his own ability and conduct all argument from there”.

Single inverted commas are reserved for the meta-language translations of fragments in a foreign language, including literal translations of non-English titles of literary works.

  • verbs with stem-final vowel such as ‘to pray’ or ‘to think’ form a separate subgroup
  • Sōseki’s newly gained self-confidence in his reading of English literature gave rise to the series of lectures known as Eibungaku Keishikiron (‘On the form of English literature’, 1903)


If listing a publication with a title in a language other than English, German, French or Spanish, an English approximation of the title should be provided in square brackets following the title.

Publications in writing systems other than the Latin alphabet should be listed in a romanized version followed by the original notation of the relevant elements. Elements which would be identical in both romanized and original notations, such as the year of publication or page numbers, are redundant and should be omitted from the original notation. Cf.:

  • Abe Masao 1979. “Nehan ‒ sono gendai shisō-ni totte-no igi [Nirvana ‒ its meaning for the contemporary thought]”. Tōyō Gakujutsu Kenkyū 18 (4): 35‒50. | 阿部正雄. 「涅槃 ‒ その現代思想にとっての意義」. 『東洋学術研究』18. 

The comma separating the last name and first name of the author indicates inversion in respect to the editorial data listed in the publication. Consequently, the comma, as a rule, does not apply when listing Japanese (or other East Asian) authors of Japanese (or other East Asian) publications. Cf.:

Jaanus, Maire 1979. Literature and negation


Tomihama Sadayoshi 2013. Miyako Irabu hōgen jiten [dictionary of the Irabu-Miyako topolect].

Do not use capital letters in title spellings unless this is required by the orthographic rules of the language the title is in or unless the title involves proper names. 


Jaanus, Maire 1979. Literature and negation


Jaanus, Maire 1979. Literature and Negation


[a] Monographs

※One author

Last name, First name Year. Title. Publication place: Publisher.

  • Jaanus, Maire 1979. Literature and negation. New York: Columbia University Press.
  • Mejor, Marek 2001. Buddyzm. Zarys historii buddyzmu w Indiach [an outline of the history of Buddhism in India]. Warszawa: Prószyński i S-ka.
  • Tomihama Sadayoshi 2013. Miyako Irabu hōgen jiten [dictionary of the Irabu-Miyako topolect]. Naha: Okinawa Taimusu-sha. | 富浜定義.『宮古伊良部方言辞典』.那覇市:沖縄タイムス社.

※Multiple authors

As a rule, all names of the authors should be listed.

Last name, First name, First name Last name, […] First name Last name Year. Title. Publication place: Publisher.

  • Goldman, Robert P., Sally J. Sutherland Goldman 2004. Devavā ipraveśikā. An introduction to the Sanskrit language. Berkeley: University of California Press.
  • Knoke, David, Franz Urban Pappi, Jeffrey Broadbent, Yutaka Tsujinaka 1996. Comparing policy networks: labor politics in the U.S., Germany, and Japan. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

※Edited volumes

Last name, First name (ed.) Year. Title. Publication place: Publisher.

  • Breen, John (ed.) 2008. Yasukuni: The war dead and the struggle for Japan’s past. London: C Hurst & Co Publishers.

※Multiple editors

Last name, First name, First name Last name (eds.) Year. Title. Publication place: Publisher.

  • Allen, Richard, Hrish Trivedi (eds.) 2000. Literature & nation: Britain and India 1800–1990. New York: Routledge.
  • McGetchin, Douglas T., Peter K. J. Park, D. R. SarDesai (eds.) 2004. Sanskrit and “Orientalism”. Indology and comparative linguistics in Germany, 1750–1958. New Delhi: Manohar.

[b] Article/chapter in an edited volume

Last name, First name Year. “Title of the article/chapter”. In: First name Last name (ed.). Title of the edited work. Publication place: Publisher. Page range.

  • Roden, Donald 1990. “Taishō culture and the problem of gender ambivalence”. In: J. Thomas Rimer (ed). Culture and identity: Japanese intellectuals during the interwar years. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. 37–56.

[c] Article in an academic journal

※ Last name, First name Year. “Title of the article”. Periodical name volume number (+ additional data, e.g. season, if necessary): page range.

  • Robertson, Jennifer 1992. “The politics of androgyny in Japan: sexual subversion in the theater and beyond”. American Ethnologist 19 (3): 419–442.

[d] Publications by the same author

※ Publications from different years

Publications by the same author(s) should be listed in chronological order.

  • Abe Masao 1975/76. “Jikakuteki uchūron kakuritsu-no tame-ni [in order to establish the theory of the cosmology of self-awakening]”. Postmodernist  4/5: 29‒58. | 阿部正雄. 「自覚的宇宙論確立のために」. 『ポストモダニスト』4/5. 
  • Abe Masao 1979. “Nehan ‒ sono gendai shisō-ni totte-no igi [Nirvana ‒ its meaning for the contemporary thought]”. Tōyō Gakujutsu Kenkyū 18 (4): 35‒50. | 阿部正雄. 「涅槃 ‒ その現代思想にとっての意義」. 『東洋学術研究』18. 

※ Publications from the same year

Publications by the same author(s) issued in the same year should be listed in alphabetical order and differentiated through the addition of a small alphabet letter to the publication year.

Edogawa Rampo 2004a. “Nisen dōka [the two sen copper coin]”. In: Edogawa Rampo zenshū dai 1-kan. Yaneura-no samposha [the collected works of Edogawa Rampo, vol. 1: The walker in the attic]. Tokyo: Kōbunsha. 11–43. | 江戸川乱歩.「二銭銅貨」.『江戸川乱歩全集第1巻  屋根裏の散歩者』. 東京都:光文社.

Edogawa Rampo 2004b. “Panoramatō kidan [the strange tale of panorama island]”. In: Edogawa Rampo zenshū dai 2-kan. Panoramatō kidan [the collected works of Edogawa Rampo, vol. 2: The strange tale of panorama island]. Tokyo: Kōbunsha. 355–489. |  江戸川乱歩.「パノラマ島奇談」.『江戸川乱歩全集第2巻 パノラマ島奇談』. 東京都:光文社.

※ Single-author monographs and co-authored, edited and co-edited works by the same author.

Single-author monographs should be listed first, followed by single-editor edited works by that author. These can be followed by works respectively co-authored and co-edited works by that author.

Sawada Kazuhiko 2019. Buronisuwafu Piusutsuki den. “Ainu-ō”-to yobareta Pōrandojin [biography of Bronisław Piłsudski, a Pole nick-named “king of the Ainu”]. Kaisei: Seibunsha. | 沢田和彦. 『ブロニスワフ・ピウスツキ伝. 〈アイヌ王〉と呼ばれたポーランド人』. 神奈川県開成町: 成文社. 

Sawada, Kazuhiko, Kōichi Inoue (eds.) 2010. A critical biography of Bronisław Piłsudski. Vols. 1-2. Saitama: Saitama University Faculty of Liberal Arts.

[e] Article in a newspaper

※ Author unknown

Newspaper title Year. “Article title”. Publication date: page(s) [if applicable].

  • The Guardian 2018. “Haruki Murakami’s new novel declared indecent by Hong Kong censors”. 25 July 2018, online.

※ Author known

Last name, First name Year. “Article title”. Name of the journal, publication date: page(s) [if applicable].

  • Parks, Tim 2018. “How best to read auto-fiction”. The New York Review, 25 May 2018, online.

[f] Online/Internet sources

※ Author known  

Last name, First name of the author Year. “Publication title”. Information on the character of the source [if relevant]. Name of the page [if relevant]. 

URL: http://……………………………. [access date: day month year].

  • Fukuyama, Francis 1999. “Social Capital and Civil Society”. Paper presented during the Second Generation Reforms Conference on 8–9.11.1999 in Washington D.C. URL: http://www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/seminar/1999/reforms/index.htm [access date: 27 April 2021].

※ Author unknown  

Webmaster/copyright holder Year. “Publication title”. Information on the character of the source [if relevant]. Name of the page [if relevant]. 

URL: http://……………………………. [access date: day month year].

  • University of Oklahoma 2016. “Literary award prizewinners, the state of translation in Myanmar, and more”. World Literature Today. URL:  https://www.worldliterature

today.org/ [access date: 27 June 2017].

[g] Movies/visual materials/audio documents

※ Last name, First name [director/credited author] Year of production. Title. Name of the medium. Name of the studio/production company/distributor [if relevant].

  • Kore-eda Hirokazu 2019. Shoplifters. Feature length movie, DVD. New York:  Magnolia Pictures.
  • Bach, Jan Sebastian 1999. Brandenburg      Concertos. Audio material, CD. Warsaw: Pomaton EMI. 


※One author (/editor)

Last name Year: Pages, or (Last name Year: Pages)

  • Jaanus 1979: 34, or (Jaanus 1979: 34)
  • Mejor 2001: 12, or (Mejor 2001: 12)

※Two authors (/editors)

Last name and Last name Year: Pages, or (Last name and Last name Year: Pages)

  • Hayashi and Kinuhata 2014: 40, or (Hayashi and Kinuhata 2014: 40) 

※Three authors (/editors)

Last name, Last name and Last name Year: Pages. OR (Last name, Last name and Last name Year: Pages)


Last name et al. Year: Pages, or (Last name(s)/ et al. Year: Pages).

  • Aso, Heinrich and Shimoji 2014: 164, or (Aso, Heinrich and Shimoji 2014: 164)


  • Aso et al. 2014: 164, or  (Aso et al. 2014: 164)

※Multiple authors (/editors)

Last name(s)/ (et al.) Year: Pages, or (Last name(s)/ et al. Year: Pages).

Goldman (et al.) 2004: 123, or (Goldman et al. 2004: 123)

※ Publications by the same author from the same year: differentiated through the addition of small Latin alphabet letters

Last name Yeara: Pages, or (Last name Yeara: Pages)

Last name Yearb: Pages, or (Last name Yearb: Pages)

Last name Yearc: Pages, or (Last name Yearc: Pages)

  • Fukui 1977a: 78, or (Fukui 1977a: 78)
  • Fukui 1977b: 45, or (Fukui 1977b: 45)
  • Fukui 1977c: 176, or (Fukui 1977c: 176)

※ Several authors with the same last name

  • Different initials of the authors’ given names 

Initial of the author’s given name. Last name Year: Pages, or (Initial of the author’s given name. Last name Year: Pages)

  • A. Malinowski 1987: 88–90, or (A. Malinowski 1987: 88–90)
  • S. Malinowski 1956: 34, or (S. Malinowski 1956: 34)
  • Identical initial of the authors’ given names – given names should be cited in full

Given name Last name Year: Pages, or (Given name Last name Year: Pages)

  • Sebastian Malinowski 1999: 55, or (Sebastian Malinowski 1999: 55)
  • Sławomir Malinowski 1990: 23, or (Sławomir Malinowski 1990: 23)
  • Stanisław Malinowski 1980: 99, or (Stanisław Malinowski 1980: 99)

※  Article in a newspaper, author unknown

Name of the journal, Publication date: pages [if known/relevant], or (Name of the journal,

Publication date: pages [if known/relevant]).

  • The Guardian, 25 July 2018. or (The Guardian, 25 July 2018).

※ Article in a newspaper, author known: the same treatment as in the case of authored monographs and academic articles

※ Movies, performances and other audio-visual materials

※ Director’s [composer’s/performer’s/author’s] last name Year.

Wajda 2000, or (Wajda 2000)

※ Consecutive citation of a single source: use the notation (ibid., page number/page range), unless the mentions are separated by a gap larger than one paragraph, in which case the regular citation rules should be applied

※ Consecutive citation of the same source and the same page (page range): use the notation (ibid.), unless the mentions are separated by a gap larger than one paragraph, in which case the regular citation rules should be applied

※ Publication year unknown: use the abbreviation “n.d.” in the usual place of year

  • They even have produced by themselves a small list of local words attached to the tourist map of the village (Sago-ku n.d.)


Source file: editable .doc, .docx or .rtf file. A .pdf file may optionally be included, especially if concerns about the legibility of the fonts used in the text file arise.

You should submit your contribution to silva.iaponicarum.quarterly@gmail.com, if responding to the open Silva Iaponicarum Call For Papers, or to the respective content editor(s) of the issue if responding to a special issue Call For Papers.