Editorial Board


Aleksandra Jarosz, Ph.D. 

Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, Poland

A specialist in Japonic linguistics, especially South Ryukyuan. Her research interests focus on historical and comparative linguistics, while also including linguistic typology, language documentation and preservation, and philological studies. She completed her Japanese studies degree in 2011 and a Ph. D. programme in 2015, both at the Faculty of Modern Languages and Literatures of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poland. In 2016, under the supervision of professor Alfred F. Majewicz, she defended her Ph.D. thesis dedicated to Nikolay Nevskiy’s lexicographic notes of Miyako-Ryukyuan. 

She is an awardee of JSPS post-doctoral program, which she completed at the University of the Ryukyus in years 2017–2019 under the supervision of professor Shigehisa Karimata, as well as a recipent of the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education scholarship for outstanding young researchers. Since 2013, she has been a member of Silva Iaponicarum editorial board. She is also a member of editorial board of International Journal of Eurasian Linguistics, and an associate editor of Brill’s Languages of Asia monograph series.  

E-mail: aljarosz@amu.edu.pl

Copy Editor

Aleksandra Jaworowicz-Zimny, Ph. D.

Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, Poland

She received her PhD from Hokkaido University and is currently working at the Cultural studies Department of Nicolaus Copernicus University, Toruń, Poland. Her research focuses on representation of the Asia-Pacific war-related issues in Japanese fan productions, such as cosplay, fanvideos and  dōjinshi. Current research projects include Asia-Pacific war-themed historical re-enactments seen as fannish activity, well as pop-culture induced tourism in Japan.

Recent publications include ‘Nazi cosplay in Japan’ in Journal of War & Culture Studies (2018), ‘Kando conservatism – „Moving” war narratives in Japanese online fan videos’ in The Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus (2018), ‘The Witcher Novels and Games-inspired Tourism in Poland‘ in Contents Tourism and Pop Culture Fandom. Transnational Tourist Experiences (2020).

E-mail: zimnya@umk.pl

Associate Editors

Patrycja Duc-Harada, Ph. D.

Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Poland

An assistant professor at the Department of Japanese and Chinese Studies of Jagiellonian University. She graduated from Japanese studies in 2011 and Russian studies in 2009. She completed her Ph.D. program at Jagiellonian University and obtained the title of Ph.D. in linguistics in 2017 after submitting her thesis on Japanese youth sociolect. 

Her research focuses on various aspects of modern Japanese, especially sociolinguistics, ethnolinguistics, pragmatics, as well as Japanese language education. She is recently engaged in researching the pragmatics of politeness and changes in the use and misuse of Japanese honorifics. After finishing a scholarship program in the Japan Foundation Japanese Language Institute in Kansai in 2011, she frequently visited Japan in order to conduct fieldwork among the Japanese, especially in many Japanese universities and other scientific institutes. 

E-mail: patrycja.duc@uj.edu.pl

Andrzej Świrkowski, Ph. D.

Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland

Lecturer at the Department of Oriental Studies of Adam Mickiewicz Univeristy.

His research field is modern Japanese literature with focus on popular literature of Meiji, Taishō and Shōwa. In his Ph. D. dissertation, titled Japanese Crime Fiction 1923–1937, he focuses on the works of Edogawa Ranpo, Yumeno Kyūsaku and Oguri Mushitarō. He is also a translator of Japanese fiction.

E-mail: andrzej.swirkowski@amu.edu.pl


Karli Shimizu, Ph.D.

Hokkaido University in Sapporo, Japan

Karli is an affiliated researcher at the Research Faculty of Media and Communication of Hokkaido University. Her research interests are on modern Shinto and how it intersects with (post)colonial borders. Her most recent publication is the monograph Overseas Shinto Shrines: Religion, Secularity and the Japanese Empire, which explores how shrines located outside of mainland Japan have interacted with contemporary conceptions of the secular, religion, and a multi-ethnic empire. Other publications include “Religion and Secularism in Overseas Shinto Shrines: A Case Study on Hilo Daijingū, 1898-1941” in the Japanese Journal of Religious Studies (2019) and “Shintō Shrines and Secularism in Modern Japan, 1890–1945: A Case Study on Kashihara Jingū” in the Journal of Japanese Religion (2017).

Editorial Secretary

Magdalena Kotlarczyk, M.A.

Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Poland

A Ph.D. candidate at Jagiellonian University in Kraków, she graduated with MA degrees in English Studies and Japanese Studies. In her first MA thesis, defended at the Institute of English Studies, she focused on the tripartite character construction of the protagonists in the novel The Fionavar Tapestry by G.G. Kay. In the second MA thesis, she presented  her research on the kanji 間 and its Japanese reinterpretations related to the semantics of space and time.

Her Ph.D. research interests cover such topics as modern dystopian literature, particularly English and Japanese, and the phenomenon of hybrid genres. 

E-mail: magdalena.kotlarczyk@doctoral.uj.edu.pl 

Review Editor

B.V.E. Hyde

Durham University

B.V.E. Hyde is a researcher with polymathic interests in philosophy, history, sociology and Japanology. He is currently employed as a philosopher of science and an ethicist, but has an enduring interest in Far Eastern philosophy, especially Japanese philosophy. Some of his books on the topic (for which he is currently seeking a publisher) include The Tale of the Japanese Mind, a whistlestop tour of the history of Japanese philosophy, Lectures on Japanese Philosophy, an introduction to and overview of the subject, and a Commentary on the Shōtoku Constitution, which is a reference book much more academic than the other two. You can follow him on Twitter (@bvehyde) to stay up to date with his publications and he can be reached at b.v.e.hyde@outlook.com.